lunes, 22 de diciembre de 2008

Laura gets older in Hsinchu-Taiwan (her bday)

Hey my dear, joda, no se ponga arrecha (enojada) por el titulo....

That day we started singing the "Happy Birthday" at skype. See the picture...

The girl didn't want us to answer, but maybe she was doing thearrangaments of the "napita". ;) hahahaha. But at the end she did... The sorprise made her spill some tears (incredible, cuase the emotive person is not her hahaha)

We had a great time, specially because the food in FRIDAY'S is hao-chi.. mmm

The Quesadilla dish was hyper,super delicious... Oh Gosh! guacamole in Taiwan... I'm hungry >_<

As a tradition Friday's stuff will let you use of their costumes when somebody is celebrating his birthday. Let see how we look here.

I can't skip this video.

Let see mija, if the year we still can celebrate your birthday...hope so...

Happy Birthday!!!

martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008

what I never thought....

For all those taiwanese that are thinking that foreign come to ask out taiwanese girl, it's nothing but your fault.. I have heard comments in BBS "those deam foreign, they easily come to ask out our taiwanese girls"...
Yes, it is true... but why you dont opt to do the same thing?

I wonder why taiwanese girl can get a foreign boyfriend. You can see that in any city in Taiwan, but till the moment I haven't seen any taiwanese boy with a foreign girl, well except for me... but this is a special case.

Is there any special reason? will be that girls are braver than boys? or boys have low self-stime?
Since I came to Taiwan, I didn't consider to have a boyfriend, and even Taiwanese...but I since I saw him He caught my attention. I was afraid of not seeing him again. But the opportunity was given. The truth is that the clash of cultures and ways of thinking always makes you think differently. But What I did not know was that I also liked.
4 months have passed so far and I can say I feel happy with 我的寶貝.

So, foreign are not sticked on the sky~~ for those who think is impossible, it's not..

miércoles, 22 de octubre de 2008

The Food

After all, is not that bad as it seemed to be, just is a matter of time to learn love the taiwanese food

My life in this year in Tw so far, has been a process for adapting to the food more that anything else (obviating the difficulty of the language, that's an issue we have to talk later).

I remember the right next day of my arrival, some of the latin student already in campus took us to the famous place "The Ricky" what is that? ><

A dish with spaguetti in a green sauce was served for me. I said to myself "well after all is not that bad if I always come to this place".

Tha place was crossing the street right in from of the main gate of NTHU, passing for a narrow path. It's like a small food court, where you have some differents option of restaurant from Korean, Japanase, of course taiwanese to Italian style... don't think those are, definitely not... it's a place for students, but where is the sign of "the Ricky" and as soon as I asked I realized that Ricky was the name of the owner/cooker of the Italian style restaurant "the Bistro"... This man has gained the appreciation of the latin people:

One, because of the food, his style is more familiar for us than the others

Two, because his sense of humor always happy and trying to be friendly with us

and third, if you ask for a customize dish, he will prepare for you.....

On wednesday night, he prepares fried fish like the style we use to eat in latiamerica.

So, when somebody tell you, let go to the ricky's, you will know that is not necesary the Bistro restaurant, but the place itself, even though that day you decide to eat japanese style or Korean or whatever....