martes, 11 de noviembre de 2008

what I never thought....

For all those taiwanese that are thinking that foreign come to ask out taiwanese girl, it's nothing but your fault.. I have heard comments in BBS "those deam foreign, they easily come to ask out our taiwanese girls"...
Yes, it is true... but why you dont opt to do the same thing?

I wonder why taiwanese girl can get a foreign boyfriend. You can see that in any city in Taiwan, but till the moment I haven't seen any taiwanese boy with a foreign girl, well except for me... but this is a special case.

Is there any special reason? will be that girls are braver than boys? or boys have low self-stime?
Since I came to Taiwan, I didn't consider to have a boyfriend, and even Taiwanese...but I since I saw him He caught my attention. I was afraid of not seeing him again. But the opportunity was given. The truth is that the clash of cultures and ways of thinking always makes you think differently. But What I did not know was that I also liked.
4 months have passed so far and I can say I feel happy with 我的寶貝.

So, foreign are not sticked on the sky~~ for those who think is impossible, it's not..

7 comentarios:

  1. y ahora ya paso medio ano


    te amo mi 寶貝

  2. Hi Ross well I in my opinion Taiwanese boys are too shy, maybe they like you but they are afraid you don’t , ‘cause you are a foreign and you never will be interested in them, the question here is why they think that???
    And how u said another problem could be the culture but for me that can be interesting: learn new things, traditions and the language, I think I have to follow your steps!!!

  3. Very pleased your happy with your Baby for 6 months!

  4. mmmm Vanessa, in that case I think more taiwanese boys should know your opinion... how can we figure it out?? maybe u pass this link to that Finance class ~~~

  5. Yep many Taiwanese guys are too shy - it's just the way we're brought up. Actually everyone's a byproduct of their upbringings. Then when they finally muster up the courage, girls can smell that lack-of-confidence which is a turn-off and they often times get shot down.. which even further destroys their confidence and then the cycle goes on... etc. Fortunately, there is a solution. (Hint: it begins with "Peach", and ends with "Blossoms" ... ;) )

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Hola, Rosa! Que bueno tiene novio en Taiwan!!Culture different is reli a big thing!!I am glad you overcome it!Now, it time for you to teach your boyfriend what is "Latino Passion"!!!
